Secure Political Canvassing
TouchStone enhances the integrity and security of voter outreach efforts through real-time verification and quality control measures.
TouchStone enhances the integrity and security of voter outreach efforts through real-time verification and quality control measures.
TouchStone is a canvassing application designed to enhance the integrity and security of voter outreach efforts through real-time verification and quality control measures.
In 2024, it was discovered that canvassers were using a spoofing application to alter their locations in voter contact software, leading to inconsistent data reporting. This issue affected multiple political organizations across the political parties.
TouchStone was created to eliminate inconsistent reporting by integrating security-focused features that ensure voter outreach is authentic, transparent, and verifiable.
Requires canvassers to take photos of the household before moving to the next door.
Ensures privacy by automatically erasing photos within 24 hours.
If a canvasser takes a photo with a voter, the voter must authorize its use via an in-app text message.
Blocks access if the user is not in the correct location, preventing fraudulent canvassing data.
Protects against data leaks by disabling screenshots within the app.
Co-Founder & Partner
Nathan Bowman has worked in campaign field operations since 2015 and is a Biden for President alumnus. With extensive experience in direct voter contact, he identified major challenges in data integrity, including inconsistent canvassing practices.
Co-Founder & Partner
Gerrit Mora is an expert in application development, research, system design, and programming, as well as media production and advertising. As the owner of Tuesday Digital, he has extensive experience working with judicial, federal, local, and state campaigns.
For media inquiries, interviews, or additional information:
Nathan Bowman
Co-Founder & Partner, TouchStone
[email protected]
(202) 321-3735